
Fletcher Studio


Fletcher Studio

YEAR: 2015 - 2017
TYPE: Firm
LOCATION: San Francisco, CA, USA
ROLE: Designer + Project Manager

_Key Projects
Bowie Switch Court, San Francisco, CA
Central Waterfront/Dogpatch Public Realm Plan, San Francisco, CA
Esprit Park, San Francisco, CA
Jackson Park, San Francisco, CA
Ropewalk, San Francisco, CA
South Park, San Francisco, CA
Tunneltop Park, San Francisco, CA
Walking School Bus Transportation Project, San Francisco, CA
Warmwater Cove Park, San Francisco, CA


Fletcher Studio or FS is a landscape architecture and urban design collaborative located in San Francisco, CA. I worked as a designer/community engagement specialist on a range of projects from public realm plans to facilitating community engagement workshops, designing public/private development plans to construction documentation/3d modeling. At FS, we believe design matters, and that people deserve to find value, meaning, and possibility in the places they encounter and occupy. We work with city makers, communities and other visionaries to realize evocative and appropriate concepts, designed and constructed to ensure social vitality and integrity.

FS leverages technology to work faster and smarter; people, ideas and culture are the drivers of our process. From biologists and foresters to musicians and neighbors, FS collaborates with a host of partners to skillfully integrate sustainable infrastructure and meaningful experiences into enduring, evolving spaces. The studio and its collaborators bring a wide array of experience ranging across science, design, art, horticulture, construction, and politics. Collectively, FS is able to distill complex spatial analysis into high-functioning built environments that connect communities to places through inclusion, delight, and recognition of their capacity to best steward the places and objects we designed.

Visit fletcher.studio for more information